• Content Selection Committee (CSC) ensure that only the most reliable scientific articles/papers and quality content is available on Scope Database for researcher all over the world
  • The content is correctly selected by the independent Scope Database Content Selection Committee (CSC) an international group of scientists, professors, educationalist, industrialist, researchers and librarians who represent the major scientific disciplines available in Scope Database.
  • Scope Database Content Selection Committee (CSC) members are responsible for reviewing all new titles/journals that are suggested to Scope Database by the publisher. Content Selection Committee (CSC) members also responsible for reviewing and ensuring that the quality of existing content is maintained in Scope Database for certain period.

Responsibility of Content Selection Committee (CSC)

  • Scope Database Content Selection Committee (CSC) an international group of scientists, professors, educationalist, industrialist, researchers and librarians who represent the major scientific disciplines available in Scope Database. CSC Members will review and evaluate the all titles/journals that are suggested to Scope Database by the publisher
  • The CSC Board is comprised of 45 Subject Chairs, each representing a specific subject field/area. The Committee works closely with the Scope Database team to understand how Scope Database is used by the authors/publishers/institute, what content is relevant for different users and what enhancements should be made in content to improve various search conditions
  • The recommendations of the CSC Board directly affect the overall performance of Scope Database and the prioritization of new quality content requests to ensure that Scope Database content stays globally and relevant to the various users (Librarians, Authors, Academic Institute, Government and private organisations) with different purpose of usage
  • Scope Database works with multiple local Committee members with the objectiveof advancement the overall quality standards and quality of journals/conferences published in non-English speaking countries. Currently, local Committee are in available in India, France, Spain. China, Thailand, Russia and South Korea.

Scope Database Selection Standards

  • Every year, approximately 2,500 new titles are suggested for inclusion in Scope Database, but only 37% of those titles meet our minimum selection criteria. Approximately 1200 titles, only 50% are accepted after CSC review and inclusion in scope database.
  • The international experts on our Content Selection Committee (CSC) continually review new titles/journals using both quantitative and qualitative measures identified by the Scope Database. Only serial titles/journals may be suggested to the Content Selection Committee (CSC) for inclusion on Scope Database. Serials include journals, conference proceedings, trade journals and book series.